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If birding is your passion, Lake View is definitely the place you want to visit. During different times of the year you can see everything from bald eagles to pelicans, to blue herons and swans. As winter winds to a close, a large number of bald eagles make the lake a pitstop as they follow geese migrating to Canada. They can be seen from Town Bay, Cottonwood Point and Provost Slough in the Black Hawk Lake area and in the Hallet Pits area south of town. The American White Pelican signals the onset of spring as they arrive in early April. While some migrate on to other areas, many stay for the summer and can be spotted early in the morning or during cooler days. Spring also brings egrets, blue heron, loons, ducks and geese back to the area. Along with waterfowl, we also have a wide variety of smaller birds including goldfinch, chickadees, cardinals, hummingbirds and woodpeckers. Running along the Sauk Rail Trail, the Sauk Bluebird Trail has many homemade birdhouses awaiting the birds’ arrival.