Upcoming Events: 07/19 | 71st Annual Black Hawk Lake Summer Water Carnival - See More >>

Our Community


Lake View has three protestant churches that serve our community. Catholic churches are located in Wall Lake, Auburn and Sac City, all within easy driving distance.

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The East Sac County Community School District officially came into being on July 1, 2011, a consolidation of Sac and Wall Lake View Auburn Community School Districts.

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Health care is a vital component for enjoying a high quality of life, and Lake View is fortunate to have an excellent health care system.

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Black Hawk Lake developed because of the town, Lake View; and the town grew because of the lake.

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Built in 1987 and refurbished in 2010, the Lake View Public Library is located at 202 Main Street.

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Service Organizations

There are many different groups that residents can join to serve their community or simply gather with others to socialize.

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